September 4, 2009

One Family's Story...

"My name is April, and I would like to share my story of success with Solutions for Change program. I cannot imagine what my life would be today had I not ended up on the Solutions for Change doorstep.

It was just a few years ago and as a young 20-something wife I wasn't much worried about anything. My husband made good money, we lived in a decent place... life was pretty good. But due to some bad decisions and immaturity I messed up and spent two months in jail. Shortly thereafter I became pregnant. The relationship with my husband feel apart and we separated. All of a sudden my life started to spiral out of control. I applied to several recovery and housing programs and did not meet the criteria to enter those programs. My last stop was Solutions for Change, if I was turned away, I did not know what would happen to me and my unborn child.

On July 3, 2007 I entered the Solutions for Change program, scared and unsure of what was to come. The program was stringent, but I had a child on the way and needed a place to get my life in order. I was willing to do whatever was needed to end my homelessness, regain my life, be a loving mother to my child and be a successful woman.

My son Joseph was born on Christmas Eve and as of September 2009, I have been sober and drug free for almost three years. I was given the opportunity to help with the Solutions for Change childcare program and activities. Additionally, I work in the evenings at the intake shelter, which is a very rewarding experience. I have the opportunity to warmly welcome new residents, share with them my personal experiences. I have the blessing of watching the transformation that occurs - the same transformation that occurred in me.

Thanks to Solutions for Change, I have permanently ended my homelessness; my son has a safe, loving environment in which to grow up in. I am now moving forward with my college study in Child Development. None of this would have been possible without the support and love I received from Solutions for Change."

We thank you for reading our stories and your continued support of our Solutions University.

Have a wonderful Labor Day Weekend!

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